Google Instant Search feature Has Been Dropped By Google
Several years after the launch of Google Instant Search, Google is dropping this default feature. Google is doing this in order to bring the searches more in line with the mobile devices.
The Google Instant feature was launched in the year 2010 when the leader was Marissa Mayer. According to Marissa, this change was a fundamental shift in search. This news was broadcasted on almost all the major media.
Now, the time has changed and the way searchers use the mobile devices has also changed. More than 50% of people make use of mobile devices to search for anything. Google has made a decision to drop this feature. This fact has been confirmed by one of the spokespeople of Google.
When the Google instant was launched in the year 2010, there was a goal behind it i.e. to proffer the users the information and details they desire in a quick manner, even while they are typing their searches on any desktop device. Since 2010, more searches are taking place on the mobile devices, which have different input, interaction and screen constraints. Due to this fact, the team of Google has decided to permanently remove Google Instant, so that the searches can be made more fluid and faster on all the mobile devices.
Now, when you will type in the search bar of Google, you will only see some suggestions and then you can click on them to see the results. The search results will not load any particular result page without you clicking on it or clicking enter.
Again Google said that this has been done to make the search more fluid on all the mobile devices.