SEO is a strange industry and apparently everyone’s an expert. It seems, as you have arrived at this page, you are looking for an SEO specialist so how do you decide who is and isn’t one? In a nutshell, established SEO specialists are all about quality not quantity. So to weed the bad guys out ask them the simple question, ‘how many links a month will you build to my site?‘. If they give you a number, don’t hire them.
Here at Red Evolution we understand that it’s about quality not quantity as any genuine SEO specialist should! Before we start, spare a thought for the poor search engines Google, Bing and the others. They have to find and index squillions of pages, figure out the best ones and show them to the people who are searching, now that’s not easy! Their task is made even harder because of the number of people, often pretending to be SEO specialists, who spend all their time trying to fool the engines into believing a web page is an authority by building hundreds of trashy links to it. Thankfully that’s where smart SEO’s win.